How it all happened

Steven was not quite eight years old when Rhonda took him by the hand.  "I know a fun game." She led him to the edge of the trailer. "Let's go under here and I'll show you."
He crawled with her to the spot just behind the axles where he often went to get away from the other kids. A canvas was spread out on the dirt, and a few toys were strewn about.
She grabbed his pants just above the fly.  "You need to take your peter out."  Then she lay back and pulled her panties down.  "Come lay on top of me and rub your peter here.  It'll feel really good.  Some of the older boys showed me how."
He remained motionless, and when she grabbed him again, he was on his knees peering under the trailer.  He saw himself pull his penis out and lay between the girl's legs.  He wasn't really seeing himself though.
Steven was seeing me. My name is Danny.  I live with Steven, and I have since that day when he was seven--almost eight.  Steven didn't understand then; I didn't understand either.

A neighbor teenager saw me with Rhonda, so Steven's mother found out.  When she asked Steven about it, he didn't know what she was talking about.    He knew that he hadn't rubbed crotches with anyone.  His mother didn't believe him.  I kept silent.

It's just like the time that Ronny showed me his dick.  The head was very pointed.  I wanted to touch it, but I knew I shouldn't.  I showed him mine, because mine didn't look like that.  For the next several days, I couldn't stop thinking about Ronny's dick.  I drew pictures of it, and I showed the pictures to Ronny.
I was hoping Ronny would show it to me again.  That didn't happen.   What did happen was Ronny's mother finding the drawings.  She showed them to Steven's mother, and she accused Steven of having drawn them.
That's when Steven was nine.  I stayed out of Steven's hair until he was thirteen, and I really messed him up that time.

Steven didn't really have many friends.  I watched from the sidelines, and there were a few guys at his school that I wished he would become friends with.  But they didn't live near us, and I wasn't about to say anything.  There was a kid on our street that everyone wanted to be friends with--everyone except Steven.
One day Steven was walking back from buying some gum at the convenience store when Scott came up to him.  Scott said something about looking at something interesting in the backyard of one of the houses that was up for rent.  Steven was about to say he wasn't interested when I spoke up.
I went with Scott to look at a squirrel skeleton.  After poking it with a stick, Scott told me that the back door to the house was open.
My mind started to spin.  Was he going to ask me to go in with him?  Would he show me his if I showed him mine?   "Is it safe?" I asked.
"I'll make sure nothing happens to you."
We weren't two steps in when Scott asked me, "Have you ever had your dick sucked?"
I shook my head.
"It feels really good."  Scott moved closer to me and rubbed his hand over my crotch.  I just stood there as he undid my pants, and as he pulled his pants to his ankles, he bent down.  He put my penis in his mouth and it got rock hard instantly.  I couldn't believe the sensation.  I thought I would faint, and then I came.
"Good, huh?  This next part's even better."  He yanked me down onto the floor.  My head actually bounced.  I was face down, and he was on top.  He had my arms pinned behind my back.  I was in pain, and I was scared.
I felt his hard dick pushing at my butt.  I told him to stop, but he just pushed harder.  There was an immense pain, and I went to my room.  I knew that Steven was confused by what was happening.  I heard him scream "Stop, you're hurting me."
I went back.  I didn't know if I could stop it, but it wasn't Steven's fault.  I struggled, but Scott was just too big and strong.  Suddenly he shoved himself really far inside my butt, grunted, and then rolled off.
"Hey, that was great.  Let's do it again in a few days."  Scott got up and left.
My arms hurt and my ass was throbbing.  I felt his ejaculate begin to run out my butt. I went screaming to my room.  And I didn't come out for over 15 years--not until the day Steven broke his silence about being raped.

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